
Cass Brewer is an Austin native who is proud to carry on the legacy of quality building and craftsmanship passed on to him by his father, Charlie Brewer.

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CASS BREWER / President


A born entrepreneur, Cass Brewer has been launching and managing businesses since the age of 13. He has worked for a Fortune 100 corporation in its development divisions, been Vice President of the Texas Division of Centex Destination Properties, and managed projects for C.F. Jordan, Inc., a leading developer of multifamily housing. Cass’ diverse experience in home building, renovations, and multifamily condo construction gives him the advantage of knowing the most efficient means of completing a project.

Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.

-Henry Ford

Cass’ passion for sustainable building practices and innovative design concepts has been recognized throughout the state. Brewer holds a Bachelor of Science in Urban and Regional Planning from Texas State University, and is a Certified Energy Star Builder committed to the concept of high-quality green building.

In 1980, the Austin-American Stateman reports how Cass fought the city to save his neighborhood clubhouse – and won.

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